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Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Dopiero co wystawiłem swój samochód na sprzedaż i aukcja została przedłużona i tym razem z ogólnie widocznym emailem i dodatkowymi informacjami w treści aukcji. Nagle dostałem dziwny email i oczywiście nie za pośrednictwem serwisu aukcyjnego. Myślę że na takim poziomie nikt nie będzie miał trudności z językiem.


od: Mark Cut Pomoc Wtorek, 27 Września 2011 16:18

temat: BMW 330ci 2003' Skrzynia SMG ' 18 ASA ' MAX OPCJA


I'm sending you this mail regarding your auto mobile available for

sell. your price for the auto mobile is affordable. I'd like to pay

for the auto mobile Please email me back asap


Jednak odpisałem:




where are you from and how you want to buy it ?


I dostałem odpowiedź:


Thanks for your promote response,


I am currently out of town due to the work I do, I am based in

Calais and work as an engineer on ships.Am so happy for your mail

cause have been in need of this (auto Vehicle/Item) for like 3 month

ago before we can make any negotiation.You have to send me the recent

picture of the (auto Vehicle/Item) , the present condition of the

(auto Vehicle/Item) for the past 1 month, the (auto Vehicle/Item) year

model, do you have any insurance policy on the (auto Vehicle/Item) and

i will like to know the number of years you have been using

the (auto Vehicle/Item) with any other document to back it up that you are the

right full owner of the (auto Vehicle/Item).


Get back to me asap...ok


I już widzę co się święci więc odpisuje:


Hello, So I think you're from France. I have my 330ci almoust two years and I am a private seller. In my car everything must be perfect and ofcourse i have a insurance policy . But first.. we can't really communicate by the email. Let's try to communicate in French. How's That ?


I ostatnia odpowiedź w której znajduje się to na co czekałem:


You have made me to understand that you are the right full owner of the (auto

Vehicle/Item) with the details you have provided to me in your last

mail so, this gives me the 100% guarantee that we both can proceed

with the business.


I will be responsible for the picking up of the (auto Vehicle/Item) cause

have a private courier shipping company which have been using for

many years & they are very fast,reliable & secure. All you need to do

now is for you to request or email my shipping company at

([email protected]) and ask them for the SHIPPING

CARRIAGE FORM, just inform me when you contact them via email so, that

i will be the one to recommend you. Just message the shipping company

with my name, your name , Amount and auto Vehicle/Item name.


I will make the transfer of the money through a fast,save,

secure and reliable sources;which is INTERNATIONAL BANK TRANSFER from

my International Bank Account.All i need from you now is for you to

provide me with the details below:


Holder's Name :

Account Number :

Iban :

Bic :

Bank Name :

Amount :

Auto Vehicle/Item :






O ile sam email autora nie figuruje nigdzie w necie co już jest zrozumiałe to po wyszukaniu frazy : "[email protected]"


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