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00C5AE kod błędu


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Sometimes these errors pop up for no reason...As long as the unit is operating correctly then dont worry about it...Is there something wrong with the unit?

I odpowiedz:


Very True!

Actually I recently installed new HU then upon programing / coding enabled mostly all the options and could be that some of the options does not even exist on the car and or the HU therefore it may throw an error... but everything is functional, but it would have been nice to know the error code.

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Na szybko znalazlem to:


Sometimes these errors pop up for no reason...As long as the unit is operating correctly then dont worry about it...Is there something wrong with the unit?

I odpowiedz:


Very True!

Actually I recently installed new HU then upon programing / coding enabled mostly all the options and could be that some of the options does not even exist on the car and or the HU therefore it may throw an error... but everything is functional, but it would have been nice to know the error code.


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