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  • Moje BMW

Osiągnięcia Z4-Ei


Nowicjusz (1/14)



  1. Hello? Am I alone here? :whistle: Helloooooohooo? :cry2:
  2. Hello boys and girls! Sorry for my broken english, but my polish is even worse :lol: I desperate looked for a carwrapper in Poland, but it´s not that easy as I thougt. So I ask you for any advice. :lol: I´am end of 40 an drive since more than 11 years a Z4 and I am organized in the German forum. At first I had a E85 3.0i and now a used 35i (E89). The first one was painted in "sterling-grey", what I really liked and what i searched for a long time. The actual one is a black car, what is also very nice but...well, black. I knew from beginning on, I would change the color so soon as possible. I thought about wrapping, but now I learned the hood is for the most wrapper to long to stick it in ONE piece- it should cut 2x in die middle of the hood. :roll: Not nice and very sensible. This costs here in Germany between 2.000,00€ and 2.600,00€ (=8.500- 11.000 Slotty) and it needs around 50 hours of work. After four years you have to it put away, because the sticker can damage the lack. Now I would like to know, if anybody here has made a carwrapping with his E89 and if the hood was covered from film in only ONE piece? The alternative is of cause the really new painting in Poland. It cost the same as in germany wrapping, but the lack is still VERY good and it needs until 3 weeks... Do you have any advice for me or have you made good experience with a painter or wrapper?
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