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  • Moje BMW
    e46 1999 318i m43b19

Osiągnięcia kazmin


Nowicjusz (1/14)



  1. Can you please give precise directions to this Magnolia place?
  2. Hi guys! First of all apologies for not speaking Polish - I come from Bulgaria and I do not know the language. I own a 318i 1999 that unfortunately has a lot of problems. One of them that urgently needs fixing is a leak of cooling fluid. I suspect a loosely connected hose or torn hose or something like that. Water pump and radiator recently replaced. I am situated in Wroclaw. Do you know any decent competent car mechanics in the area? Or perhaps I place where I can diagnose the problem myself, like a ramp like this: Since the problem is likely to originate from below the vehicle I cannot deal with it myself unless I have a ramp or a 4 point lift/jack. :( I am sorry if the thread is a bit off-topic, but I hope the admins can make an exception given the language barrier I'm facing :) Thanks for your help. Feel free to contact me via PM or write in this topic. Regards, Ivan
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