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Odpowiedzi opublikowane przez BuLiG89

  1. Well hello everyone i am new on BimmerForum here,

    well my problem is, my Turbo Blocked and i had to repair it soo i went to the Service they Repaired my Turbo and now the car turns on and drives but i always hear a wierd Sound on the car i think it comes from the Turbo its like bloop bloop

    and main problem is the Turbo activates only when i press the Pedal twice to the buttom or if the RPM goes over 3000RPM and advice what should i do the service said its normal and i need to wait few days untill the car cleans it self >.<

    btw the car was at service garage for 1month and 11days that means it dident turned on or drived till the spare parts of the turbine arriwed :S

    i cleaned the air sensor intercoler sensor what should i do other soo i can fix it or is it normal :S pls help me out

    Best regards


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